"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful."
Colossians 4:3
February 2025
Love Clitheroe Holiday Fun
Jesus said: “Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these….” [Mark 10:14]
Jesus’ statement makes it clear that God is wanting to introduce Himself to children!
It is important we take Jesus’ statement seriously and it is encouraging to see how many ministries there are in this town aiming to reach out to families with younger with children.
Over the last few years, the churches in Clitheroe have worked together to put on fun holiday activities and free lunches for local families. These events are intended to help with the cost of living crisis and to support those families who find school holidays particularly challenging. They are offered primarily to parents or carers of children aged 0-11 and are completely free of charge.
This February Half Term, there will be games, crafts and activities at the churches in Clitheroe each morning (Monday-Thursday), followed by a free lunch.

Holiday fun is being publicised in school Newsletters and and also at at
Besides Holiday Fun, churches have been providing playgroups and groups for older children for many years. These include:
Baby Fishes and Little Fishes, St. James Church
The Ark Toddler Group, Clitheroe Community Church
Trinity Tots Playgroup and Treasure Seekers, Trinity Methodist Church
St Mary’s Playgroup, St Mary's Church
Messy Church, St Pauls Church Low Moor.
Let’s for grace for all those who are involved in Holiday Fun and for the groups meeting week by week in our churches. In particular we can pray:
• For all those who are responsible for making “Holiday Fun” happen: for those involved in admin, publicity, handling bookings, catering…
• For those leading the children’s activities
• That everyone the Lord wants to be there will be there!
• That the Church of Christ will witness well
• For the Holy Spirit to preside over every event
• For Holy Spirit inspired conversations
• For a harvest of souls

January 2025
Pray for Syria
News soon ceases as each new crisis relegates the last one into oblivion. The Syrian war started in 2011. With the overthrow of Assad we enter a new phase but how long will it be newsworthy?
Samara Levy of Samara’s aid appeal started sending consignments of aid to Syria in 2014. A parishioner at St Peter’s in Brighton, Samara is married with a family but with the support of her husband she has been able to achieve what nobody could have thought possible. Her charity run with only volunteers has few overheads. Samara used to pay for her own flights to Syria.
With no experience, just faith and determination, one lorry of clothing and aid turned into over 100. Samara has distributed to more than half a million people, sent 12 ambulances and a range of specialist medical equipment. Her charity has also provided four small field hospitals giving emergency medical care. All this has been achieved with donations from many hundreds of people and different communities and more than 350 churches across the UK.
Samara sends out updates and videos on a regular basis. With the current crisis we have had six in December. They tell of the real situation on the ground in undisclosed areas. They may only be a part of the story but an accurate one for all that. Her first three epistles on the 1st, 3rd and 6th December described the desperate need as people once again fled Aleppo in the escalated conflict which led to the totally unexpected defeat and disappearance of Assad on the 8th. On the 12th we heard of hope, yet people fearing for the worst. On the 17th it was about the Israeli air strikes engendering yet more fear. The latest news came on Christmas Day with the good news of children released from prison and the bad news of attacks between the different factions. Will it get out of control or can the new government deliver the peace and harmony it promises? Below is the latest from Samara.
It is already clear that the time ahead will be a tough and painful journey for Syria. The cautious hope that so many were filled with a couple of weeks ago has been replaced by fear and apprehension. Will this really be a free and peaceful Syria? Almost overnight the difficulties have multiplied. It’s clear that there will be no change without further loss of life, insecurity and instability. Many different groups are now being attacked by many other groups, each with their own agenda. There are many things we cannot change or control. But we can pray. We can rebuild the ruins, continuing the work we have been doing for the last 11 years. We can clothe the poor. We can grow food for and feed the hungry. Our inspiring Syrian teams have stepped over their own fears to serve people in greater need. We are hosting more than 1,000 children this Christmas across our five outreach centres in different areas! We are thrilled that our team are finally giving out toys this Christmas, funded by many of you in 2023, bought here and shipped from the UK. What a thrill it is to see so many orphans, abandoned, poor and vulnerable children receiving these lovely toys, games and craft kits that we carefully chose for them. These children aren’t used to children’s parties or being given gifts like this. Most have no toys. They have been overwhelmed by the experience. It took them a while to understand how to have a party All the boys I visited, and who we fed every week at a juvenile detention centre in Syria, have been released. Some were held without having had a trial, and some had the most heart-breaking of stories. Although the prison was supposed to accommodate 14-18 year olds, there were boys there as young as eight, imprisoned with the older boys. On some days they did not appear to even be let
out of their cells. I could see the fear and depression in the eyes of those children as we walked around. I can’t describe the expressions on the faces of the girls in their prison, but my heart sank as I could see without any doubt how utterly desolate, they were. Some of those girls were held there on the accusation of having been raped. YOUR PRAYERS ARE MORE IMPORTANT NOW THAN EVER
Samara says:
· Please pray with me that the new government will value women and girls as equals in the new society, as many women and girls in Syria are feeling more afraid now of comments made recently by appointees of the new administration, that their situation will be worse now than before.
· Pray with us that the words and promises of the leaders at the top will be honoured, and that there will be genuine equality for all in the new Syria.
· Pray with us for the new leaders of the country that they will govern with compassion and fairness for all, that they will be given wisdom as the time ahead is going to be difficult, and that the much-needed change and aid that the nation is crying out for will be forthcoming.
· Please pray with us for the continued protection of our people and the protection of our projects.
See Samara’s inspiring and heart wrenching videos on her website,
December 2024
Kathleen was a true servant
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
And, we too must serve the Lord. The words below are taken from Kathleen Howson’s eulogy, read at her requiem Mass to a church so crowded they had to put seats in the aisles for those unable to stand at the back. Never has that church been so full of people come to celebrate the life of a woman of no distinction and no recognition beyond those whom she served with simple but profound faith.
When Kathleen died earlier this year, she was only a little short of 100 years old. Her life was spent in serving the Lord via service to others. You could say she had a simple faith, but what she had was a profound understanding of a simple message simply lived, a faith central to her values and to who she was. She had no need to navigate biblical contradictions or theological complexities. Hers was an instinctual belief in God as love. Her faith was expressed through prayer, devotion, service and honouring the dignity of all people. She used to quote St Teresa of Calcutta who said, “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love”. Kathleen did small things with great love. Those with a moral quandary had only to ask themselves, “What would Kathleen do?”.
Through faith and service Kathleen achieved something remarkable; she was loved by all who knew her. Married at 30, she had seven children by the time she was 42. To give birth to seven children within 11 years and care for them with little support was heroic. They had little money and worked day and night. And yet, despite the exhaustion and anxieties, the children always had home cooked food, and went out into the world well-scrubbed with the whitest blouses and shirts made brilliant with Dolly Blue.
It was her nature to love, to serve, to feed others before herself, to listen, to be genuinely interested in what others had to say. For the many who knew her, their abiding memory of her will be how she made them feel, the smile that reassured them that the world was good, and that they were loved. She communicated to people, the inner beauty that she saw in them.
One day she met a young woman in the village drenched and clearly in distress. She had left her home in Glasgow and could not go back as she had become estranged from her family. Kathleen took her home, gave her dry clothes, food and made up a bed for her. The woman found the experience life changing and later wrote to say she had never met anyone as kind in her life and that the encounter had helped her see a future that she did not know existed.
Kathleen’s early life experience left a hole of sadness and loneliness which she was able to fill later with gratitude, kindness, compassion and joy. She was never bitter, cynical, regretful or envious, instead feeling blessed by the love of God and family. Her sense of purpose was to serve, to give rather than receive and old age was no barrier to her participation in life. She was still doing the church cleaning well into her 80s, still shopping for the “old people” when she was 91, and only stopped helping with the church flowers when she was 96. As health deteriorated and frailty increased, she came to rely on others and accept their care, entering into a time of peace and joy, accepting at last the love and care lavished on her by those she had so loved in her life.
Kathleen’s impact and footprint on the world have been transformational for many who met and loved her. She truly lived a values-driven life, devoted to service, blessed by faith and supported by her adoring family.
Let us reflect and pray with Kathleen
Kathleen delighted in nature. She would marvel at the perfection of a tiny flower and the majesty of the skies. She loved all birds and animals and was passionate about their welfare.
Dear Lord: Help us to take delight and care for all aspects of the animal and natural world and protect and care for them, for our own and future generations.
Kathleen was incredibly loving, compassionate and kind to everyone she met. In particular to people she saw as vulnerable and suffering. She would hug someone while they cried and rejoice when they smiled. She demonstrated these qualities in her encounters with every person she knew. She believed that she met Christ in everyone.
Dear Lord: Help us to pause in our lives to reach out with loving kindness and joy to those, beyond our own families and loved ones, who are vulnerable, marginalised or broken.
For Kathleen her faith was her foundation. She felt the presence of God powerfully in her life and her relationship with God was nurtured by prayer and devotion. She gained spiritual sustenance from her local Christian communities and found her church a place of solace, peace and healing.
Dear Lord: We pray for the gift of faith and the solace Kathleen found in God. Let that faith bring people of all faiths and none together in mutual respect, true communion and love.
Kathleen was greatly troubled by conflict and war. Her mind could not comprehend why divisions could not be healed. She was horrified by the suffering that war and conflict inflicted upon the innocent, as well as those who participated in it.
Dear Lord: We pray that leaders everywhere demonstrate humility, empathy, courage and determination to end conflict and reduce suffering. We also pray that we, as individuals and communities, demonstrate a commitment to actively seeking peace and reconciliation in our own relationships and communities.
Kathleen loved family. She was a mother, grandmother and great grandmother and blessed all with her love, guidance and values. She adored her own parents and grandparents as well as her husband, whom she lost when she was only 51. She absorbed and learned from the love she was given in these relationships and passed that on to others. She also dearly loved all the spouses and partners of her children and grandchildren and embraced them with her open and loving heart.
Dear Lord: We pray that all children, whatever their age, experience the love, care and guidance they need to build a strong foundation for their journey through life.
November 2024

Every year in the UK, more than 6000 people take their own life. There are hundreds of thousands of people in the UK who have been deeply affected by suicide. The devastating and lasting impact on their families, friends and communities is enormous. The shame and stigma associated with suicide can make it difficult to talk about and there may be further issues to deal with such as inquests, media coverage, and difficult family relationships. Some may also have caring responsibilities for others who are bereaved.
Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SoBS) was founded in 1991 and has now grown to become the only national charity providing dedicated support to adults who have been bereaved by suicide. SoBS collaborates with other charities, organisations and the Government to raise awareness of the challenges faced by those bereaved by suicide and to improve access to available support services. The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention seeks to raise awareness within Parliament and encourage discussion and debate of all issues involved in suicide and self-harm prevention.
On 16h October a new SoBS Support Group was launched at an event held at Trinity Methodist Church and Community Hub. The Clitheroe group will hold monthly sessions on the first Wednesday of each month. The first meeting will be on 6th November. Please note, this is a peer support group and is NOT equipped to help people contemplating taking their own life or who have attempted to do so. For more information please phone 07538 398524, or email
Please pray for this group and for all those who have been affected by suicide. You may wish to use the following prayers:
We give them back to thee, dear Lord, who gavest them to us;
Yet as thou dost not lose them in giving, so we have not lost them by their return.
Not as the world giveth, givest thou, O Lover of Souls.
What thou gavest, thou takest not away,
For what is thine is ours also if we are thine.
And Life is eternal and Love is immortal, and death is only an horizon, and an horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.
Lift us up, strong Son of God, that we may see further;
Cleanse our eyes that we may see more clearly;
Draw us closer to thyself so that we may know ourselves to be nearer to our loved ones who are with thee.
And while thou dost prepare a place for us, prepare us also for that happy place, that where thou art we may be also for evermore.
Do not hurry as you walk with grief;
it does not help the journey.
Walk slowly, pausing often:
do not hurry as you walk with grief.
Be not disturbed by memories that come unbidden.
Swiftly forgive; and let Christ speak for you unspoken words.
Unfinished conversation will be resolved in Him. Be not disturbed.
Be gentle with the one who walks with grief.
If it is you, be gentle with yourself.
Swiftly forgive; walk slowly, pausing often.
Take time, be gentle as you walk with grief.
October 2024

The prison system in the UK is under great strain. This month we are praying for those who are serving prison sentences, and those working in prisons or supporting prisons ministry. Every year there is a Prisons Week prayer campaign. This year it is running from 13th-19th October but of course we do not have to restrict our intercessions to this one week! Prisons Week are asking for people to pray 'not only for offenders and victims of crime (recognising that many people in prison are both)…[but] also for families, friends, prison staff, chaplains, police, probation and all who make decisions which impact people’s lives.
A resident from the Nehemiah Project (a ministry helping men recover from drug and alcohol abuse) writes: ‘I come to you as one afflicted for years - shunned from friends and peers. I looked for help everywhere but that just added to my despair. I need to push through the crowd of doubt with prayer, but I feel unworthy. Lord, I reach for you like the lady in Matthew. Lord let me touch the outer limits of you so you can help me as you do. Oh Jesus Christ I’m scared you’ll refuse my prayer, tell me off and not care. But Lord I am there in that story - will you say, and let it be true, ‘take heart my son your faith has healed you'.
Below are some prayers that have been submitted for the 2024 prayer week:
•God and Heavenly Father, please show us how we can give freely and
willingly of what we possess, including our time, to serve and support those
you love and care about connected with the prison system – prisoners, their
families, victims of crime, and those who serve in prisons as officers, chaplains and in many other ways
•We pray for all those affected by prison; be with them when they are in pain, feeling sad, angry, lonely, or betrayed. Give them eyes to see you when in places of darkness. Let them see your spark of light, receive your love, and seek to do good wherever they are. May they accept your invitation Jesus, follow your example, and know that your love can restore and transform their lives.
•Lord Jesus, grant me wisdom and courage to find that place of balance in my life, between doing and being. There is so much hurt and need in this world that your Spirit calls me to acknowledge and respond to. As I come to you for myself Lord, I also remember all those who seek to serve and support others, feed them and fill them to overflowing that all people will know your saving power. Amen.
•Come Lord, break into this world of ours and reorder our understanding; where the hurt and damaged find healing, the oppressed are granted justice, and the stranger is welcomed. Stir up within us your compassion. Give us a new heart, a new vision of who we are as your people and how you call us to live with one another. Hear our prayers for change; that your Kingdom may come here in our homes, our places of work, our prisons and our communities. Amen.
For more information and prayers see

September 2024
Why is it so important to forgive?
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
What do the world’s greatest thinkers say about forgiveness?
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." - Mahatma Gandhi
All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives." - Dalai Lama
""If we really want to love we must learn how to forgive." - Mother Theresa
"When a deep injury is done to us, we never heal until we forgive." - Nelson Mandela
"Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a permanent attitude." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." - C.S. Lewis
"To err is human; to forgive, divine." - Alexander Pope
"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness." - Robert Muller
"When you forgive, you in no way change the past - but you sure do change the future."
- Bernard Meltzer -
"It's one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody. "
- Maya Angelou -
"To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you."
- Lewis B. Smedes
Not one of these quotes makes repentance a condition of forgiveness. Indeed, when Peter asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered, “I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy seven times”. Here we are presented with a true and very demanding concept of forgiveness because it puts the onus first and foremost on us and not the person who has wronged us. It’s difficult isn’t it? Estrangement will usually have two sides but what about when someone kills a loved one or a despot is responsible for killing many? Luke 23-24 can be a starting point, “…they know not what they do”. How many people really know “what they do”? Despots and extremists believe that what they do is right, psychopaths have no conscience pulling them back, and the seriously mentally ill are not responsible for their actions. In all cases we cannot judge how another person felt or why they behaved as they did. We cannot understand what drives people to do what we believe we would never do. And we are charged with loving them whatever they do, as Jesus does.
Perfect love – the Christ like love we are charged with emulating – does not exist without forgiveness. Unconditional love embraces unconditional forgiveness. To forgive is the perfect enactment of loving neighbour. Conflicts arise from our inability to forgive. With universal forgiveness there would be no wars, only peace. Jesus became Man to show us the way.
Behind our inability to forgive there is always an emotional factor, resentment, anger, hurt. We first have to understand the basis of those emotional reactions, acknowledging the imperfection of them and forgiving ourselves for feeling them. The good fight is not to stop doing, but to stop being what we “are”, that makes us “do”. With no anger, resentment or hurt it is easier to reflect on the human object of our negative emotion and seek to understand and ultimately feel compassion for them. A woman estranged from a close friend said she wasn’t ready to forgive and it took a long time before the hurt and resentment subsided enough for her to make amends. She was unable to acknowledge her pride and weakness as standing in the way of her own peace and the peace of her friend.
Forgiveness is usually tacit, the recipient perhaps never aware of it and forgiveness doesn’t demand blind acceptance of wrong doing. In respecting others we have to respect ourselves too. Even so, forgiveness takes much prayer, reflection and discernment. Acknowledging weakness in ourselves and in other is the route to forgiveness and peace. We have acknowledged and forgiven ourselves only when there is no longer a human target for our negative emotions. And when we can truly accept our own weakness, and the weakness of others, we have at last learned to truly forgive.
Let us pray that:
We will make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends us. Remember, the Lord forgave us, so we must forgive others (Colossians 3:13).
We will first forgive anyone we are holding a grudge against, so that our Father in heaven will forgive our sins, too.” (Mark 11:25).
We will come to understand and free ourselves of the emotions that make it so hard to forgive
We will learn to forgive ourselves, and truly come to love ourselves
In loving ourselves we can see the way to love others and forgive them too.
July 2024

With so much that is wrong with the world, and so much wrong in our country, it becomes overwhelming even to think about these things. Most of us have enough on our minds without worrying about those suffering in our own country, let alone those suffering abroad.
Global warming isn’t affecting the UK very much and anything that could be attributed to climate change is irksome at most. The conflicts in the Ukraine and Gaza are a little too distant for most to think that escalation might eventually embrace us and immigration only concerns most when they hear of the unwanted presence of asylum seekers in towns not too far away. Compassion and empathy kick in with personal contact or when we hear a story that brings the issue to life in a graphic and heart-rending way.
As individuals we can do a little – a little that counts - via prayer, donations and perhaps a bit of personal intervention sometimes. As a community and as a communal voice we can do a lot more. That communal voice exists in the petitions, open letters and collective voices of concerned groups of NGOs and groups like UK Citizens and Manchester Citizens. So far, those groups have had little impact. Their time is yet to come.
Our time will come too. We are Christians following the path of Jesus, not as individuals but as a Christian community. The simple Gospel messages of loving neighbour and preaching that message becomes less onerous when we are united, undivided. Three Cs tell us how it can work: Charism (we all have a special gift from God which we are commanded to use in proclaiming his message; Community (we are a church of many parts with many charisms); Communion (we should aim to be a communion of people working interconnectedly and interdependently so that all is linked in one dynamic force. The Church is not to be changed by the world; it is for the Church to change the world.
And so, when it comes to the election and time to vote we need to examine manifestos against the words of the Bible. Care For What You Believe offers some insights supported by biblical references to highlight how voting is part of living out our Christian duty. Here are ten things to reflect on before looking at what the political parties are offering.
· Christians believe that mankind has been created to rule the earth and subdue it. Government is a means by which we steward God’s creation. Read Genesis 1:28
· When Jesus was asked what the most important commandment was, he said to love God and to love your neighbour. Voting is one way we can work on behalf of those around us. Read Mark 12:28–34
· Even though we may feel like exiles in conflict with the world today, God wants his people to seek the peace and prosperity of our nation. Read Jeremiah 29:7
· Christians have a special calling to speak up on behalf of the voiceless and the most vulnerable. Read Proverbs 31:8–9
· We believe that God has revealed to us his good law which helps humans to flourish, and we want to see it reflected in the laws our governments pass. Read Psalm 19:7-10
· God calls us to submit to the governing authorities who we elect through our votes. Read Romans 13:1–7
· The Bible tells us about occasions where leaders have led their people astray; the politicians we elect will shape our nation, and can lead people closer to or away from God. Read Isaiah 9:16
· Jesus says that we should steward the gifts which God gives us. Many people in history have not had the gift of a voice in a fair, democratic election like we do. Read Matthew 25:14–30
· God will hold us accountable for the actions we do not take, just as He will for those we do take. Not voting is not a neutral act: we are still influencing the outcome, just as if we do vote Read James 4:17
· The Bible shows us that we are to care for our political leaders and to pray for them, so that we might live a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is to be our aspiration for the politicians we elect. Read Timothy 2:1–2
Care notes, “We have a biblical mandate to continue to engage with politics by not only exercising our right to vote but using it in a considered and wise way”. You can find their guidance and resources here. However, many Christian churches and organisations offer guidance on voting and you may care to look for what your own Church offers.
Oh, Holy Spirit give me the strength and the will to reflect and discern and listen to what you are asking of me during this election
Help me to put aside my own need and vote instead for the greater needs of others.
Let me hear your words and advocate for a just world free of conflicts and exploitation.
Inspire me to play my part in tackling global warming.
Give me the strength to live out my life and play out my part, as I ask for Governments to play theirs.