Pause for Hope
St Michael & St John’s R.C Church, Lowergate, Clitheroe BB7 1AG are hosting the Pause for Hope service.
We would like to offer a warm welcome to all those affected by cancer; their family, friends and those who care and support them.
Canon Paul Brindle will lead an ecumenical service on Sunday 15th October, at 3pm.
This will be in connection with Clitheroe Christians in Partnership.
Members of Ribble Valley Choir will be singing at this service conducted by Musical Director: Steuart Kellington and accompanied by organist James Robinson and pianist Dorothy Birtwell. Soloist: Yvonne Hartllebury.
Guest speaker: Sue Swire from the Rosemere Cancer Foundation.
Following the service, refreshments will be served in church.
We would love you to see you….and do hope you will be able to join us.