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The Events of Holy Week

Through the eyes of those who were there

This year, instead of a Good Friday Walk of Witness and service, we embark on a virtual walk through the events of the first Holy Week. We see that world changing week through the eyes of those who were there. In a series of seven films, Mark Pickett helps us understand what went on in the minds of some of the followers and some of the opponents of Jesus, and shows us how events which took place over 2000 years ago still have life changing relevance to us today.


The first film will premiere on Monday 29/03/21 at 9.00am and the others will follow at the same time on the following six days. Each film will be uploaded here each day at 9.00am.

Monday: A Disciple

Tuesday: Judas

Wednesday: Peter

Thursday: Pilate

Friday: The Soldier

Saturday: A disciple

Sunday: The Resurrection

© 2025 Love Clitheroe

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